Spinach & Corn in Ginger Sauce

 ðŸ‘Œ Ingredients

  *  250 g spinach- remove stem and tear

      each leaf into 2 or 3 pieces

       1/2 cup frozen corn kernels

       2 tbsp oil, 1/2 tbsp fresh ginger paste

       3/4 tsp each of salt and pepper

       2 tbsp tomato sauce, 1/2 cup tomato 

       Puree 1 tsp soya sauce, preferably 

       light soya sauce

       1/2 tsp sugar

        1/4 tsp ajinomoto, optional,2 tbsp 

       cornflour 2-3 cherry tomatoes or

       1/2 tomato - cut into 4 pieces

👌  Method

  1. Wash spinach leaves.put in a large

      bowl. Sprinkle 2 tbsp water & microwave covered for 3 minutes.

Give standing time of 3 minutes and

Strain. Dissolve cornflour in 1/4  cup

Water.keep aside.

2. In the dish, mix oil and ginger paste.

Microwave for 1 minute.

3. Add tomato sauce, puree, sugar,soya

Sauce and ajinomotto. Microwave for

2 minutes.

4. Add 1 cup water, cornflour paste and 

Corn. Mix well. Microwave uncovered

For 6 minutes till the sauce is ready.

Add spinach and tomatoes. Stir.Serve.


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